Why Summer is the Best Time for Teachers to Go to Therapy
Summer is finally here (at least it is where I am in Alberta, Canada). I remember how chaotic June felt as a teacher - somehow it was always busier than any other month of the school year. Time seemed to slow down rather than speed up the closer we got to the end. I always kept a countdown of how many days it was until July 1st. If I could make it to the finish line, then I knew I would finally be able to catch my breath, take a real break, and enjoy time spent away from working.
Summer is obviously a great time to rest, recharge, and get back to feeling like yourself (at least for a few weeks before you have to start thinking about starting to plan and prepare for the fall). For teachers, summer can also be the perfect time to start working with a therapist or to increase the frequency of your sessions. This might seem counterintuitive. Work is often the largest stressor on a teacher’s plate, so why would they need therapy when the work aspect is on pause? However, as someone who has experienced that stress as a teacher and now supports educators to manage stress, I believe summer is the perfect time for teachers to dive into therapy. Here are a few reasons why:
You can address the stress from the year that you’re carrying in your body. There is a difference between stress and stressors (I have a whole blog post about it - read more here). Stress is the neurological and physiological shift that happens in your body when you encounter a real or perceived threat (Nagoski & Nagoski, 2019). Stressors are what activates the stress responses, and they can be sensory, external, and internal causes. Work is an example of an external stressor. Just because the stressor itself has ended does not mean that you have dealt with the stress itself. If you’re like most teachers I know, you’ve been working in conditions that cause chronic stress. You may be feeling these effects in your body – they often show up as symptoms that impact your appetite or eating, sleep, energy levels, and emotions. Working with a therapist can help you to understand more about the effects of chronic stress on your body. Learning how to deal with your school year stress in the summer can help you create a plan for managing it better when you return to work in the fall.
You need support to process a challenging year. When we are living through chaotic or stressful situations, we don’t often have the luxury to pause in the moment and deal with what’s happening. It is after we have survived the crisis that we have the emotional space or energy to circle back to address the challenges we have experienced. A therapist can help you making meaning of and process the challenges of your year, to bring closure to them. I offer workshops and groups about processing and bringing closure to the year for this exact reason. Having a safe space to acknowledge and validate the things about your school year that were difficult can be an important part of the healing process. A therapist can help you with this important work.
You have better emotional availability to explore your needs. Teachers often tell me that summer is when they feel most like themselves. Without the stressors of work on their plates, educators finally have time to connect with others, themselves, and nature; to travel; or to get to those hobbies and activities they haven’t had time to do during the school year. All of these things contribute to a state of wellness. Wellness is “the freedom to move fluidly through the cycles of being human. Wellness is thus not a state of being; it is a state of action” (Nagoski & Nagoski, 2019). Being in a state of wellness and feeling good can be an important starting point for therapy, or addressing things you don’t have the capacity to touch when you’re surviving the chaos of a stressful year. For example, I use EMDR which is a form of non-talk trauma therapy. This work can be intense and often heightens clients’ emotional sensitivity for a few days after processing. Teacher clients may not have the luxury of time to do this type of work throughout the year. Summer is a great time to do some intensive work without the challenges of having to tend to students’ needs at the same time so that you can prioritize your own emotional and mental health needs.
You have the time to build new habits that you can carry into the fall. Without the busyness and stress of teaching on your plate, you are in a great position to make changes or build habits that will increase your overall wellness. It can be helpful to use your summer downtime to identify what your needs or what helps increase your wellness when you aren’t chronically busy or stressed. Maybe you notice that weekly coffee dates with your friend, regularly playing a loved sport, or taking time to engage in your favourite hobby make you feel like your best self. Play, exercise, creativity, and social connection are all things that humans need regularly to feel rested and rejuvenated. Identifying these activities in the summer when you have more time for them can give you information about what is important to continue doing in the fall. A therapist can help you to prioritize those non-negotiables to that they’re built into your life and schedule when the busyness starts up again in the fall.
Adding therapy to your summer self-care list can be an important way to not only get back to feeling like yourself, but to set yourself up for a successful return to work. Do any of these points resonate with you? I’d love to support you! I’m accepting new Alberta clients for in-person and virtual sessions. Book a free consult to learn more, or book an individual counselling session here: https://york-psychology.janeapp.com/#staff_member/1