Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, or EMDR, is an healing oriented method proven to be effective for treating trauma and overwhelming emotional experiences. EMDR focuses on the brain’s ability to constantly learn and update past experiences with new information. We call this process adaptive learning. Past emotionally-charged or traumatic experience can interfere with your adaptive learning processes. EMDR can break through that interference to help you let go of the past, using non-talk therapy methods.
During a session, I will guide your eye movements or use bilateral stimulation while engaging in therapy. We may use a combination of tools like a lightbar, tactile stimulation, and auditory tones that work with your personal preferences for processing. The eye movements and bilateral stimulation have a calming effect and help to desensitize you to traumatic memories or sensations. This makes it easier for you to confront, process, and recover from them. Once your response to the traumatic memory is dulled, I will help you replace problematic beliefs and thoughts with more helpful, positive ones to help you cope and move forward with your growth.
I offer EMDR both in-person and virtually. Sessions are 50 mins | $200
EMDR is proven effective for treating:
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
pain disorders
anxiety disorders
pain disorders and chronic pain management
panic attacks
complicated grief
To learn more about EMDR, you can visit the EMDR International Association’s website at https://www.emdria.org/
Click to view a short explanation of EMDR and how it works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1IPsBPH2M1U
Check out my blog post on EMDR, how the process works, and what doing EMDR together would look like: What is EMDR Therapy?